Ulrike Grunewald, a German journalist and the director of a bombshell documentary about the world’s most-watched couple Harry and Meghan, has revealed the real reason why Harry and Meghan have professionally separated. Her bombshell documentary Harry: The Lost Prince will be aired on Germany’s ZDF network on Tuesday. Ahead of its release, the director who tracked the Sussex’s journey since their controversial departure from the Royal Family, said that Harry and Meghan set their bar very high. Freed from the shackles of the Royal Family, they thought they would become global benefactors who would bring about tangible change. But four years since, they have not been able to live up to this image at all.
Harry and Meghan only work one hour a week
The director went to Montecito to find out about Harry and Meghan’s new life in the US. But it was pretty upsetting to her that nobody in the elite circles there took any notice of them. They remained isolated, they did not take part in Montecito activities and they were seen very little.
The two set up their Archewell Foundation in 2020 as the route to their chance to shine in the world coming out of the wings of the Royal Family but Harry and Meghan only work one hour a week for the Archewell Foundation. “Why so little?” the director pointed out adding that the amount of donations also fell drastically in one year: from 13 million dollars in 2021 to two million dollars in 2022-23.
They started out as a power duo in their new life in California but seeing how things came crashing down they have also come down to earth, Grunewald said.
Harry does not want to be in the atmosphere of Hollywood
Grunewald said initially Harry was desperate to keep hold of Meghan and was constantly worried that she would leave him. But now after their joint ventures failed, he now wants to carve out his own way but not in the tough atmosphere of the Hollywood industry that is inseparable from his wife. It was only a matter of time before the two separated professionally because “they don’t seem credible together”.
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