Thane: A 19-year-old labourer was killed by another labourer over a petty dispute in Dombivli. The accused, Jaysan Manjhi, was arrested. According to the police, both the deceased, Chitman Jagat alias Gaurav (31), and the accused are residents of Odisha.
The incident took place on Saturday night at a construction site located on Din Dayal Road in Dombivli (West) where the two worked. Police said that at 8.30pm, Manjhi was serving food to Gaurav and others when the food fell from the plate. Gaurav asked Manjhi to serve the food properly, which led to an argument and a fight between them. After this, Gaurav went to sleep in his room. At 11.30pm, Manjhi beat Gaurav on the head with a bamboo stick and killed him.