Are you among the people planning to lose weight as part of your New Year resolution? Wait, before you join a gym, here’s a small test you can take and check out your fitness level and determine where you stand.
The Rockport Walk Test (RWT) is a noninvasive assessment that was developed in 1986 and the test provides a useful baseline for assessing and tracking cardiovascular fitness improvements over time. The test was created to estimate an individual’s cardiovascular fitness level and it calculates the VO₂ .
The test is very easy to conduct as it only requires minimal effort and can be completed in a very short time. It is also suitable for individuals of all ages and weights, however, it may not be very ideal for people who have low mobility or heart conditions.
Now, you can take this fitness test and find out where you stand!

The walk test requires you to walk for 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) steadily, so make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Make sure to warm up for 1-10 minutes before you walk by stretching.
The test
The walk requires you to walk at a steady speed without running or jogging. Make sure to record the speed and time that you take to complete the entire mile. Measure the heart rate after your walk and along with this the test requires your body weight and age to measure your fitness level.

To calculate the fitness level, the formula to be followed is:
VO₂ max = 132.853−(0.0769×Weight in lbs)−(0.3877×Age in years)+(6.315×Sex (1 for male, 0 for female))−(3.2649×Time in minutes)−(0.1565×Heart rate in bpm)
Online calculators can compute this.
The result
A lower VO₂ max may indicate higher risks for heart disease, stroke, and other conditions and a higher value lets you know how healthy you are.
This RWT helps in indicating the level of your fitness and also indicates your cardiovascular health. The calculated VO₂ max reflects how efficiently your heart, lungs, and muscles can work together during exercise. It gives you a baseline measurement of how to improve your fitness over time.

Walking is a simple, low-impact exercise that promotes heart health, boosts mood, and supports overall well-being. It helps improve circulation, maintain a healthy weight, and reduces stress. Regular walking also enhances mental clarity and strengthens muscles and bones.
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