Optical illusion personality tests have become quite popular among people these days. The reason, they are a fun way to understand lesser-known traits about oneself which are otherwise ignored or not noticed much. As the name suggests, these are psychology-based strange-looking images with one or more elements in them. Based on what a person notices first, a lot can be decoded about a person’s traits. There are no right or wrong answers to these tests, and they are an easy way to know yourself or others better.
In this particular optical illusion personality test, there are two main elements: a couple’s side face and a tree. Depending on what a person saw first in the image, the test claims to tell if a person is more logical or intuitive in life.
To take this test, simple look at the image and notice what you saw at first glance. Now read its interpretation below:
1. If you saw a couple’s side face first in the image

Then it means that you are quite logical in life, specially when it comes to problem solving. You think analytically, are dependable, reliable and intellectual– all of which makes people admire you. When faced with challenges, you prefer to think logically and look at the bigger picture. And so, while you are good at problem solving you also fear failing which can hamper your growth as a person or stop you from speaking up.
2. If you saw a tree first in the image

Then it means that you are an intuitive and empathetic person. When faced with challenges you listen to your heart and inner voice, rather than approaching problems logically. This nature of yours also makes you charismatic and easy-going for others. You avoid unnecessary drama in life and instead look for peace and harmony. Since you listen to your intuition, even when dealing with people, you prefer to stay guarded when meeting with new people. Once they gain your trust, you are quite loyal to them and this also reflects in your professional equations.
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Optical illusion: Find a man’s hidden face in 7 seconds