With Thanksgiving, the holiday season has officially kicked off, and let’s face it, it’s the season of indulgence. From excited hangouts with friends to lively family gatherings, it’s quite natural that you stop counting calories. It’s hard to resist the spread of delectable food, sweet treats, and festive drinks. If you are thinking about how to burn those extra calories without killing the spirit of the holiday season, these simple cardio workouts are your saviour.

Brisk walk

How about soaking in the winter chill? Taking a brisk walk for 30-45 minutes will help you burn around 250 calories. Take a brisk walk around your neighbourhood or at the local park, and enjoy the festive lights and decorations along the way. Walking is one of the most effective and easy ways to stay active during the holiday season.
Marching in place
Yes, it’s as simple as it sounds, but the effectiveness is even more impressive. This workout can elevate the heart rate and is an ideal choice for warm-up or single cardio activity. You can increase the intensity of the march by turning up the speed, or by raising the knee higher.
Dance it out

Switch on your favourite holiday playlist and dance like no one’s watching. You can burn around 200 to 400 calories in an hour. Dancing is a fun way to keep yourself active without dimming the holiday cheer. It can improve your cardiovascular health, and tone the muscles of your legs arms, and core. Dancing can also reduce your stress, and release endorphins.
You can choose either indoor or outdoor cycling. Take your bike for a spin with your friends. Soak in the festive spirit, while burning off those extra holiday calories. You can burn around 400-600 calories an hour by cycling.
During the holiday season you might not be in the mood to go on a run, so you can opt for high-intensity sprints instead. You can burn around 12-15 calories in a minute with this exercise. This exercise will raise your heart rate and burn more calories. Also, ensure you do the warm-up prior to sprints. It can either be a set of jumping jacks or high-knee exercises.
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