Panaji: Goa Children’s court has sentenced a woman to life imprisonment for the murder of her five-month-old girl child at Sirsaim in 2022. In the trial, Arminda Fernandes pleaded guilty to murdering her second child on a rented premises on the outskirts of Mapusa.
She and her husband already had an older daughter. The two-year-old was with her grandparents in the same village at the time of the murder.
When Fernandes’ husband, a coconut plucker, arrived home that night, he found the baby lifeless and with multiple injuries.
He took the baby to the Colvale police station.
Police shifted her to the North Goa District Hospital at Mapusa, where she was declared dead. Fernandes, who was 32 years old when she killed her child, was given time by the court after she said she wanted to plead guilty to the offence.