A tragic incident occurred in Andhra Pradesh in early February where a woman in her 60s died during an MRI scan. The family has alleged negligence by hospital authorities.
As per a report carried by The New Indian Express, Nallaguchu Rama Tulasamma died while having an MRI scan at a local diagnostic centre. She was earlier undergoing dialysis treatment and also had a pacemaker fitted in her.
What happened?
“Her husband, Koteswara Rao, alleged that the staff at the diagnostic centre failed to recognise his wife’s pacemaker and dialysis plug, which he claims led to her death during the procedure,” the media reported.
He said his wife was fine when she entered the scan centre. While inside the MRI machine he was asked to hold her legs to prevent movement. Tulasamma, undergoing a routine scan, began showing signs of discomfort. Concerned, he immediately contacted the technician for assistance. However, the technician allegedly remained unresponsive, merely instructing him to tell her not to move. Minutes passed, and her distress seemed to go unnoticed. It was only later, after the scan was completed, that the shocking truth emerged—Tulasamma had passed away during the procedure.
Precautions to be taken during MRI scan
An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is a safe and non-invasive procedure, but certain precautions must be taken to ensure patient safety and accurate results.
Before the scan patients are advised to remove jewelry, watches, belts, and any metallic items, as the strong magnetic field can interfere with them. Individuals with pacemakers, cochlear implants, artificial joints, or metal plates should notify the doctor, as these can pose risks. Pregnant women, people with kidney disease (if contrast dye is used), or those with claustrophobia should inform the radiologist.
During the scan, patients are advised to stay still as movement can blur the images, so patients should lie still and follow breathing instructions if given. If feeling discomfort or anxiety, patients can press the emergency button to alert the technician. If contrast dye is used, be aware of potential allergic reactions and report any discomfort immediately.
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