Losing weight with health conditions is far more difficult without having any autoimmune condition. To give you a motivational boost for losing weight, here’s a weight loss success story. A woman named Sujata recently shared her successful weight loss journey on Instagram, losing 38 kgs in 10 months despite having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She highlighted 10 common mistakes people make while trying to lose weight, noting that even a 5 percent weight reduction can significantly improve PCOS symptoms.
“I wish someone had told me this earlier so that I wouldn’t have made these mistakes on my weight loss journey,” Sujata wrote in her Instagram post.
Do not weigh yourself
Weight loss efforts often fail when people focus solely on scale numbers, which can be misleading due to factors like water retention, muscle gain, and hormonal changes. Progress photos, measurements, and personal feelings provide better progress indicators.
Skipping meals
Skipping meals or severely restricting calories can be counterproductive, as it may slow metabolism, cause muscle loss, and trigger binge eating. Similarly, excessive cardio without strength training can lead to muscle loss, while building muscle helps boost metabolism and enhance fat loss.
Following fad diets
Many people rely on unsustainable fad diets that eliminate entire food groups or promise rapid weight loss, often resulting in weight regain. Adequate protein intake is crucial for muscle repair and growth, helping maintain satiety.
Eat healthy fats
Healthy fats play an essential role in hormone regulation and overall health. Including foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil is important for a balanced diet.
Not sleeping enough
Poor sleep and high stress levels can disrupt cortisol hormones, leading to increased cravings and belly fat storage. People often overestimate calories burned during exercise and compensate by overeating.
Snacking all the time
Mindless eating and snacking while distracted can result in consuming excess calories. Proper hydration is essential, as dehydration can be mistaken for hunger and affect digestion and metabolism.
By avoiding these mistakes and focusing on a balanced, sustainable approach, you’re more likely to achieve long-term success in your weight loss journey. Medical consultation is recommended before starting any new diet or exercise routine, especially for those with existing health conditions.
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