Sister Shivani, a Brahmkumari, is one of the most influential and motivational speakers today. Her talks and discussions are famous for their credibility, her ability to make people feel at ease, and the way she shares the most simple and doable tips, it makes people believe and follow her even more. For the past couple years, Sister Shivani’s spiritual teachings have helped people change their lives for the better, be a better version of themselves, and through her lectures, people now know more about emotional well-being, stress management, relationships, and self-awareness.
And over the years, one of her most common teachings is the power of affirmations and resolutions, especially before you sleep. According to Sister Shivani, when people repeat these affirmations before going to bed, they program their subconscious to do better things internally and help live a positive life.
And as every night before we sleep our minds process the events of the day, it is beneficial to think about the times we were a better version of ourselves. She explains that the thoughts we carry at bedtime enter our subconscious, and then shape our habits, behaviour, and emotions.
And so, she shares 5 resolutions that one must speak before going to bed for a better life.
Resolution 1 – I am fearless
Sister Shivani says that fear is one of the biggest mental barriers one can have in life. It could be the fear of rejection, or failure or also of not being upto the mark. And overtime, this fear prevents people from moving forward in life.
And so, she teaches that by affirming ‘I am fearless’ before sleeping, you can replace the worry with confidence and train your mind to handle the challenges in a calmer way.
Resolution 2 – I am a peaceful soul
Sister Shivani says that if you are easily irritated by people or get angry very soon, you should affirm ‘I am a peaceful soul’.
When you say this resolution before going to sleep, you can train and mould your mind to respond to situations rather than reacting to them with an outburst.
Resolution 3 – I am a powerful soul
If you react to things very soon and even the little things start triggering you in life, Sister Shivani says that affirming that ‘I am a powerful soul’ can be of help.
When thought about, these affirmations help people develop a sense of inner control over their feelings and their reactions to situations. When you tell yourself that you are powerful and able to control the situation, your ability to handle stress also increases.
Resolution 4 – I am calm and stable always
Another resolution that Sister Shivani advises people to undertake is ‘I am calm and stable always’.
If you feel that life is too much for you and the stress and anxiety of notifications and clicks are overwhelming, affirming that you are calm and stable will help ease out the daily stress.
Resolution 5 – I am always happy
If you are someone who struggles with bouts of sadness and thoughts of sorrow, this resolution will be a life saver. When you affirm that you are always happy, it is like training your mind to be more joyful across situations. This resolution helps people have a sense of happiness and positivity every day in life.
Sister Shivani further explains that the brain absorbs these words and they knock on your subconscious mind over the night sleep. As you say these resolutions and feel a wave of positivity around you, in the next 6 hours these affirmations radiate energy across your mind. She also says that when done religiously, everyday without fail, these resolutions can help people change their life in as little as 15-20 days.
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