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6071 Articles

Gangster Prasad Pujari deported from China, to land at Mumbai airport soon

Gangster Prasad Pujari who wanted since last 20 years have been deported…

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Scientists explore complex pattern of tipping points in the Atlantic’s current system

An international team of scientists have warned against relying on nature providing…

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Researchers take major step toward developing next-generation solar cells

The solar energy world is ready for a revolution. Scientists are racing…

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If faces look like demons, you could have this extraordinary condition

Imagine if every time you saw a face, it appeared distorted. Well,…

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James Webb Space Telescope captures the end of planet formation

Scientists believe that planetary systems like our solar system contain more rocky…

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Enormous ice loss from Greenland glacier

Ground-based measuring devices and aircraft radar operated in the far northeast of…

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Your dog understands that some words ‘stand for’ objects

It's no surprise that your dog can learn to sit when you…

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Researchers propose a new way to identify when babies become conscious

Academics are proposing a new and improved way to help researchers discover…

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Research uncovers a rare resin fossil find: A spider that aspires to be an ant

Arachnophobia can make humans flee at the sight of a brown recluse,…

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Signs of life would be detectable in single ice grain emitted from extraterrestrial moons

The ice-encrusted oceans of some of the moons orbiting Saturn and Jupiter…

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