Jealousy, an intense and complex emotion, that often comes up from feelings of insecurity, comparison, or unfulfilled desires. It’s an emotion that people might not always admit to, but their behaviors can slowly reveal it. When someone feels jealous of you, their actions might speak louder than their words. They might express their envy by looking down upon you, being elusively aggressive, or even distancing themselves from you. Realising signs of jealousy is important, as it helps in navigating relationships and addressing underlying emotions. Here are five signs that someone might be jealous of you.
They always criticize you
Envious people tend to criticise negatively without thinking about your betterment or the aim of correction. Their comments may come on your decisions, success, or even your nature, leaving you questioning yourself. This comes from their insecurity as they may project their displeasure on you. Such criticism is intended to chip away at your confidence significantly, to lower you to their level. If the criticism comes across as unjustified or overly harsh, it may indicate that is due to the envy that is behind their actions.
They downplay your achievements
An individual with jealousy may look down upon the meaning of your accomplishments, often associating them to fortune, luck, or privilege over your own work. They are unable to validate your efforts since it magnifies their own sense of shortcomings. Their attitude often feels dismissive or even resentful, as they attempt to diminish the gap between your success and their insecurities. This also reflects their internal conflict and not the merit of your accomplishments.

They are passively aggressive towards you
Jealousy tends to generate passive-aggression in the form of sarcastic comments, backhanded flattery, or covert behavior intended to undermine you. By way of being indirect, they can express their envy and still have plausible deniability. They may “joke” about your successes or not openly support you. All these things, while appearing to be little, will build up into easily recognisable patterns. These sorts of actions tend to avoid their internal conflict, which they are trying not to confront.
They try to copy your style
Envy can lead someone to mimic your lifestyle, achievements, or personal style. While imitation can sometimes seem like flattery, it may also signal their desire to compete or match your level of success. They might include replicating your behaviours, choices, or preferences to gain a sense of validation. This behavior also shows their underlying belief that your qualities or accomplishments hold value they aspire to possess but struggle to achieve independently.

They are not really happy for you
Jealousy makes it difficult for the other person to truly rejoice at your achievements or milestones. They may respond in subdued, insincere, or forced ways, that shows their secret resentment or feelings of inadequacy. They cannot cover up their unmet ambitions with your happiness, thus do have a lack of enthusiasm. Lack of true support or joy over your accomplishments shows their inner conflict of not knowing how to cope with their emotions in a healthy manner.
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